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- Adolescence is a period during which a child becomes mature in terms of his/her attitudes and beliefs for independent participation in the society.
(1) Age between 12-18 years of age is called adolescence period.
(2) Adolescence is accompanied by several biological and behavioural changes. It is a vulnerable phase of mental and physiological development of an individual.
(3) in this age, urge to use drugs or alcohol occurs out of curiosity or experimentation, which later turns to addiction.
(4) Adolescent take drugs/alcohol due to
(a) social pressure
(b) curiosity and need of adventure, excitement and experiments.
(c) Avoid stress, depression and frustration.
(d) Overxome hardships.
(e) Avoid unsupportive family structure.
- It is a psychological attachment to certain effects such as euphoria and a temporary feeling of well-being associated with drugs and alcohol.
These drive people to take them without need or even when it becomes self-destructive.
(1) with repeated uses, the tolerance level increases.
(2) consequently, receptors respond only to higher doses leading to greater intake and addiction.
(3) in the absence of any guidance or counselling, the person gets addicted and become dependent on their use.
- Dependence on drug/alcohol is the tendency of the body to mainfest a characteristic and unpleasant WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME. If regular dose of drugs/alcohol is discontinued abruptly.
(1) withdrawal symptoms are characterised by anxiety, shakiness, nausea, and sweating.
(2) sometimes, withdrawal symptoms can be so. Severe that they may be life threatening.
(3) it leads the patient to to ignore all social norms in order to get sufficient funds to fulfil his/her needs. These results in social adjustment problems.
- Effects of drug and alcohol abuse are as follows
(a) loss of thinking power and self - control.
(b) Loss of emotional control and moral sense.
(c) visual problems, staggering and incoherence in speech occurs.
(d) Neuritis may occur due to inflammation of axon of neurons.
(2) Drugs exert following effects on males
(a) Acne.
(b) aggressiveness.
(c) sperm production lowers.
(e) premature baldness.
(f) Enlargement of prostate gland.
(3) Drug's effect females in the following ways
(a) Aggressiveness.
(b) Masculinisation (features like males)
(c) Mood swings.
(d) Depression.
(e) Irregularities in menstrual cycles.
(f) Excessive growth of facial and body hairs.
- Drugs /alcohol addiction can be prevented and controlled by the following ways
(a) Avoid undue peer pressure.
(b) Avoid disappointments and failures in life.
(c) Discuss and seek help of parents and elders.
(d) Discourage friends to take drugs /alcohol.
(e) Take medical help whenever required.