
Drugs and alcohol


- when the  substances  like drugs and alcohol taken for the purpose other than medicinal or taken in amount or frequencies that disturbs the physical, physiological functions, is called drug abuse and alcohol abuse, respectively.

- statistics show that the use of drugs and alcohol has been on a rise especially among the youth. Proper education and guidance would help youth to safe guard themselves against these dangerous behaviour patterns and follow healthy life styles.

Majority of drugs are obtained from flowering plants and some from fungi. 

Drugs which are commonly abused belong to the following categories. 

(1) Opioids

(2) Cannabinoids

(3) Coca alkaloids or  cocaine

Other drugs include

(a) Hallucinogens 

(b) Tobacco


- These are the drugs, which bind to the specific opioid receptors present in our central nervous systems and gastrointestinal tract. 

Heroin is a common opioid also called as SMACK. 
it is chemically diacetyl morphine, which is white, odourless, bitter crystalline compound. 

(1) Heroin is obtained from acetylation of morphine. The latter is extracted from the latex of POPPY PLANT (Papaver somniferum). 

(2) it is taken by snorting and injection. 

(3) Heroin is a depressant, which slows down the body functions. 

(4) Morphine is an effective, sedative, analgesic and pain killer. 

Morphine drug


- These are a group of chemicals, which interact with cannabinoid receptors present mainly in the brain. 

(1) Natural cannabinoids are obtained from the inflorescence of plant CANNABIS SATIVA

(2) Leaves, flower tops, resins of C. Sativa in various combinations produce hashish, charas, marijuana and ganja. 

(3) These are inhaled or ingested orally. 

(4) These drugs affect cardiovascular system of the body. 

Cannabinoids drugs


- it has a potent stimulating action on central nervous system, producing a sense of Euphoria and increased energy. 

(1) Cocaine is derived from the leaves and young branches of a south American plant called ERYTHROXYLUM COCA

(2) Its mode of intake is sniffing and snorting. 

(3) It is a strong stimulant. When taken in high doses, it causes headache, convulsions, hallucination and death due to cardiovascular or respiratory failure. 

(4) commonly called as COKE OR CRACK. 


- These are Psychedelic drugs, because of their effect on the cerebrum and sense organs. 

(1) These are obtained from tje plants like ATROPA BELLADONA and DATURA SP. 

(2) Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) is derived from the fungus claviceps purpurea. 

(3) Effect of these drugs occurs on thoughts, feelings and perceptions of an individual, Medically these are prescribed to cope with depression and insomnia. 

(4) Drugs like barbiturates, amphitamines, benzodiazephines that are used to treat depression and insomnia are also abused. 


- it contains nicotine  (an alkaloid) which stimulates the adrenal gland to release adrenaline and noradrenaline which in turn increases the blood pressure and heart rate. 

(1) it is obtained from tobacco plant. 

(2) its mode of intake is smoking, chewing or as a snuff. 

(3) Tobacco can induce lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema, coronary heart disease, throat cancer, oral cancer and cancer of urinary bladder,etc.

(4) Smoking of tobacco leads to increase in carbon monoxide content of blood and reduces the concentration of haem-bound oxygen. This leads to oxygen deficiency in the body. 


- It has an anaesthetic effect on nervous system, affecting cerebrum, cerebellum and other parts. 

(1) it is taken orally. 

(2) Effect of alcohol is euphoria, peptic ulcer, gastric carcinoma, hepatitis, liver failure, liver cells carcinoma.


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