
Gaia Yoga

 Gaia Yoga

Meaning of Gaia Yoga and how can perform Gaia yoga

Yoga Benifit

Depression has become a way of life. Whether the days are full of endless goals and obligations, traffic congestion and delays, complex administrative and financial systems, or a large network of people and tangible relationships, the pace of current human existence is exploding.

For centuries, philosophers have relied heavily on yoga to surpass worldly standards. Each meditative state is an attempt to identify the packets of pain that accumulate within the body. Every sniffer suffers. Each exhale is an escape attempt. In this process, anxiety is replaced by loving-kindness.

Now, research bodies prove that yoga goes beyond the spiritual realm of illumination.

Yoga has the power to heal the world, one person at a time.

The rise of Yoga

The system of conditions, respiratory tests, and meditation that came from ancient India to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being first began to spread worldwide as a means of exercise in the 20th century.

For decades, in the US, yoga seems to have taken the interests of quirky, white and wealthy suburbanite city dwellers, but over the past decade, it has grown from the studio and is now available in public parks, hospitals, outpatient clinics, workplaces, elementary schools, military bases, rehabilitation centers, and airports.

In fact, the Yoga 2016 American Study Post, by the Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance, estimates that more than 36 million people practiced yoga in the US in 2015, compared to 20.4 million in 2012. 80 million people are likely to try yoga in 2016.

The Origin of Yoga

Yoga is first mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient collection of sacred Sanskrit poems in Hinduism, dating back to the second century BCE Verse 48 of Chapter Two describes yoga as a state of balance.

In the series Introduction to Yoga Sutras, Nicolai Bachman refers to an authoritative text about yoga to explore the meaning of living a yoga life. He teaches that yoga is a path to good change. With the practice of devoted yoga, one can remove impunity and cultivate loving-kindness. Quoting Sutra 1.2, “yoga-citta-vritti-nirodhah,” Bachman describes yoga as a powerful tool for controlling noise.

While the legitimacy of ancient writings may call into question the first major medical journal on yoga was released in the US in 2016. In the first chapter, “Introduction to Yoga in Health Care,” licensed medical professionals recognize the value of moderate behavior and change unhealthy thinking and acknowledge that yoga can play a significant role in preventing disease.

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