
Human health and disease /factors affecting human health

For NEET preparation :



It is dedined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. 

(1) balanced diet, personal hygiene and regular exercise are very important to maintain good health. 

(2) Awareness about diseases and their effect on different body functions, vaccination against and water resources are necessary for achieving good health:

(3) The factors which affect human health are:

(a) Genetic disorders  (b) infections.     (c) lifestyle 

Health is the functional and metabolic efficiency

of an organism, at any moment in time, at both the cellular and global levels.

All individual organisms, from the simplest to the

complex, vary between optimum health anf zero

health(dead). In the medical field, health is

commonly defined as an organisms ability to

efficiently respond to challanges(stress) and

effectively restore and sustain a ''state of balance'', known  as homeostatis.

Health is not merely being free from diseases.

Infact, health involves physical, mental and social well beings.

-on the basis of duration and types of symptoms, the diseases can be of two types.


-they are small duration disease but the symptoms

are highly dangerous and fatal for life of the individual.


- they are long duration diseases, may be months,

or years. Symptoms of such diseases are not sharp and alarming.

Human health and disease
Human health and disease 

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